- Feel boxed up in a shrunken version of the life you had always pictured for yourself as a child.
- You’ve tried and tried and tried over and over again to get others to change but to no avail, you are not getting what you want or need.
- Have built up emotional distress such as resentment, anger, frustration, depression, anxiety, self doubt, hopelessness.
- Are ready to throw the towel on your marriage or your work or your goals.
- Are disillusioned because “life sucks, this isn’t what I signed up for!”
- Can’t see a way out that doesn’t compromise on your dream.
- Despite an innate sense of what could be, of what it ought to look like and feel like, you are not seeing the slightest possibility of it happening without removing critical components of your life, which you actually want to have. It feels like you are trying to twist pieces of a puzzle which just aren’t fitting, even though you’re sure that you’d bought the complete box and it should look like what’s on the cover, right?!
- Don’t understand why it’s not working for you, because you have really tried hard as instructed.
- Can’t open up to anyone because on the outside it looks like you have it all and people would think you are a whinge and ungrateful or just greedy and unrealistic.
- Wondering why can’t I have it all?
- Find yourself severely depleted in some or many areas of your life, showing symptoms such as: sexually disconnected, disinterested, no libido; excessive weight gain, comfort eating, feeling sluggish or depleted; sleeplessness, insomnia; dried up creativity, no spontaneity, absence of joy, numbness; spiritually disconnected from source, isolated, abandoned; surrounded by unfulfilling relationships; chronically underpaid; lacking confidence.
- Feel like you have put the lid on your pot, but the juices are still stewing up inside and you have no idea what dish you are going to end up with, and who is going to be there to eat it.
- Feel robbed of your identity, that you had to put yourself on hold and for what? No happy end in sight, always going to lose, no matter which path you take, others will suffer.
- Feeling like you are failing, letting people down.
- Feeling like a ship in distress caught in a whirlpool, out of control, heading for the cliffs in a never ending storm.
- Betrayed – your body is letting you down, people are unreliable you and life never turns out to be way you planned for.
- Feel like you have only been given a small drum to play a symphony or given one tube of colour to paint a masterpiece.
- Feel like you are only allowed to smell the scents of a banquet without getting to sit at the table, even though you know your name is on the jolly place card.
- Have been putting your vision on hold, your legacy is fuzzy; your inner knowing is saying that you are destined to leave a mark on this earth, but the vision is unclear or feels unattainable.
- Feeling often underestimated, overlooked, or not invited into projects that you know you would have been perfect for.
- Your heart aches because you know that there is so much you can contribute and yet you simply are not being called to the task, opportunities are passing you by and you feel you are being wasted, your treasure remaining undiscovered and your gems overlooked.
- You know there is something you were meant to accomplish that is so big and so bold that future generations will remember your name for having had the courage to break through the status quo and transform the way we love and live forever.
From sportsmen to politicians or top performing artists, it is no secret that they hire professional coaches in order to reach the incredible level of success they experience.
Traditional coaching is proven to dramatically enhance your results and propel you forward faster and with more certainty than trying to get where you want to go all on your own.
Opportunity to create accountability to keep you on track and ensure you reach your goals, because let’s face it, that is the idea!
Personalised support that is tailored to you, your circumstances, your timing, your priorities and your learning style, so you don’t waste time and efforts where you don’t need to be, you can discuss things that matter to you most and you actually enjoy the process because it speaks your lingo and makes sense to YOU.
Tools and practical steps to build momentum, a roadmap to get results and a context to maintain the outcome you wanted in the long run, because otherwise what’s the point if the results don’t last, right?!
A human touch, a person who deeply cares about you, with whom you can open up when things are tough or not going as planned, and with whom you can celebrate your successes, because he or she knows how hard you have worked to get there, and chances are, he or she has also been been in your shoes before so they totally get the picture!
As you can see, there is already tremendous value in hiring a coach to support you.
But what I’m offering you goes way beyond what traditional coaching or even therapy can achieve.
Transformational Coaching is a new field that blends the cutting edge scientific disciplines of Human Potential to offer the Self Actualising Woman a unique and unprecedented opportunity to catalyse the change you have been longing for all your life!
So why not putting all the chances of getting life-altering long-lasting results on your side?
In-depth knowledge and experience of the transformational model, processes and practices that are the foundations of the Feminine Power track record of success for over a decade in supporting hundreds of thousands of evolutionary women, leaders and visionaries self-actualise into who they deeply sensed they were meant to be. You see, our yearnings are the seeds of our deepest potentials. Feminine Power principles provide the rich soil in which we can compost and harvest the deepest truth and significance of our lives, create the biggest contributions and manifest the wildest destiny! So we can have it all. Are you like me, do you want it all?
Cultivated superpowers, presence and radical empathy that create a deep container for you to feel truly seen, heard, held, witnessed and loved in every aspects of who you are, the good, the bad and the ugly, without fear, judgement or shame. Only when we feel truly safe can we fully open and allow the healing and transformation process to take place. I have studied many coaching disciplines and never have I encountered until Feminine Power such an opportunity to feel equipped to face the horrendous abuse and trauma I experienced as a young child and be able to shift them. Maybe you don’t need trauma release specifically, I understand our stories are different, all I am saying is that the formidable power is there for you to tap into and be in charge to write your own future.Tools and practical steps to build momentum, a roadmap to get results and a context to maintain the outcome you wanted in the long run, because otherwise what’s the point if the results don’t last, right?!
Empowering sponsorship of the greatest vision for yourself and for your life, as the Feminine Power Transformational coach shines the light on both your brilliance and your untapped potentials, your innermost qualities, gifts and talents we are often unable to see for ourselves. Like a kitten who looks in the mirror and only sees her own reflection, the transformational coach sees the lioness in the mirror and helps you see it too. Now is the time, let’s give each other permission to roar!

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Recommended 6 weeks
Plus 1 x Power breakthrough session
Pre-coaching call
Email support
Strategic Visioning
Recommended 12 weeks
Plus 3 x Power breakthrough sessions
Pre-coaching call
Email support
Strategic Visioning
Your Influence Roadmap
Recommended 6-8 months
Plus 6 x Power breakthrough sessions
Pre-coaching call
Email support
Strategic Visioning
Your Influence Roadmap
Life Legacy Design